The senior researchers of Institute of Sociology LCSS Monika Frėjutė-Rakauskienė and Kristina Šliavaitė with co-author Olga Sasunkevich from University of Gothenburg was awarded The Huttenbach Prize 2022 ( for their article published in Nationalities Papers:
Frėjutė-Rakauskienė, M., Sasunkevich, O., & Šliavaitė, K. (2021). Polish Ethnic Minority in Belarus and Lithuania: Politics, Institutions, and Identities. Nationalities Papers, 49(6), 1132-1149.
Introduced by the Association for the Study of Nationalities in 2016, the Huttenbach prize ( is awarded annually for the best article published in Nationalities Papers in the course of the previous year. The prize is named in honor of Henry R. Huttenbach, Professor of History at the City College of New York and a former editor-in-chief of the journal 1987-98.
In 2022, the prize committee consisted of Zeynep Bulutgil (U College London) and Harris Mylonas (George Washington U).