Order No V-160 (22/02/2019) of the Minister of Education and Science validates, that Lithuanian Centre for Social Sciences and its partner institutions are given the doctoral right in the indicated science fields:

Doctoral Committee of Economics :
Prof. Dr. Jelena Stankevičienė, Vilnius Gediminas Technical University – Chairperson,
Doc. dr. Viktorija Skvarciany, Vilnius Gediminas Technical University – Secretary,
Dr. Tomas Baležentis, Lithuanian Centre for Social Sciences,
Doc. dr. Boguslavas Gruževskis, Lithuanian Centre for Social Sciences,
Prof. dr. Daiva Jurevičienė, Vilnius Gediminas Technical University,
Doc. dr. Eglė Kazlauskienė, Vilnius Gediminas Technical University,
Prof. habil. dr. Borisas Melnikas, Vilnius Gediminas Technical University,
Doc. dr. Algita Miečinskienė, Vilnius Gediminas Technical University,
Prof. dr. Laima Okunevičiūtė Neverauskienė, Lithuanian Centre for Social Sciences,
Dr. Arūnas Pocius, Lithuanian Centre for Social Sciences,
Prof. dr. Rima Tamošiūnienė, Vilnius Gediminas Technical University,
Prof. dr. Manuela Tvaronavičienė, Vilnius Gediminas Technical University.
Methodology and Doctoral Commission of LCSS:
Dr. Tomas Baležentis, Institute of Economics and Rural Development at the LCSS
Dr. Dalia Vidickienė, Institute of Economics and Rural Development at the LCSS
Dr. Rasa Melnikienė, Institute of Economics and Rural Development at the LCSS
Dr. Rita Lankauskienė, Institute of Economics and Rural Development at the LCSS
Dr. Nelė Jurkėnaitė, Institute of Economics and Rural Development at the LCSS
General admission requirements
Admission to doctoral studies is conducted on the basis of an open competition, which takes place once a year. Admission rules are announced every year at the beginning of June. Application for admission to doctoral studies and registration of documents are organized centralized – through the VILNIUS TECH Department of Doctoral Studies.
Admission requirements
- Application form
- Certified copies of the Master’s degree diploma and its supplement with grades or a higher education equivalent to it;
- Evaluation of the gained education documents, recognized by the Centre for Quality Assessment in Higher Education in Lithuania (in order to get a verification of higher education diploma, please contact International Studies Centre https://www.skvc.lt/default/en/60/apply/documentation_requirements).
- Curriculum Vitae;
- Recommendation of the scientific supervisor of the dissertation topic;
- List of scientific publications and their copies or research proposal (if scientific publications are not included);
- Bank receipt or a transfer copy of the application fee;
- Copy of a personal data page of a passport or a copy of a personal ID;
- Other documents that an applicant wants to submit.
List of the dissertation topics and possible supervisors
For applications on participation in the admission competition to doctoral studies please contact email: mokslinė.sekretore@lcss.lt.
More information on the 2022 admission procedure, dates and deadlines can be found here.
Information on the application fee can be found here.
Suggested dissertation topics for 2022
PhD students