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- Participants of 43 countries from around the world attended the conference on the use of Artificial Intelligence in the Courts
CENTRE FOR SOCIAL SCIENCES - Open innovations in Living Labs: driving systemic change through soci(et)al engagement for real impact
- Cooperation of Lithuanian Centre for Social Sciences with NATO’s Northeast Corps continues
- The XXth European Rural Development Network Conference to be held in Vilnius this September
- Presentation of Youth Wiki (LT) project
- Researchers of the Institute of Sociology at the ESPANET conference
- Invitation to submit an abstract 9th for NoRSA conference “Regional outcomes of global challenges in the Nordic countries”
- Invitation to the PhD thesis defence of Agnė Žičkienė
- We invite you to the 3rd annual conference “European And National Criminal Policy Trends And Challenges”
- BRIDGE project training on academic integrity in science, business and society (Uppsala, Sweden)
- An award to the Lithuanian Centre for Social Sciences for partnership in the implementation of the joint doctoral program in sociology
- The International Academy of Family Lawyers (IAFL) in its Autumn 2022 Newsletter (pages 69 to 77) presents in detail the book “The EU Regulations on Matrimonial Property and Property of Registered Partnerships” published by the project “E-learning on the EU Regulations on Matrimonial Property and Property of Registered Partnerships” (EU-FamPro) team.
- The results of the BRIDGE project were presented at the Annual Conference of Lithuanian Sociologists Society
- Dr. S. Zaksaitė’s publication published by the prestigious scientific publishing house Springer
- Invitation to attend the online international conference „Legal Protection of Vulnerable Groups: Trends and Perspectives”
- EU-FamPro project was presented in the train-the-trainers webinars on good practices of online learning
- A conference and training on academic integrity in science, business and society took place in North Macedonia
- A free open course (MOOC) on private international family law
- A cooperation agreement was signed with the Lithuanian National Library of Martynas Mažvydas
- International Conference and Workshop in Almeria
- Online conference on “Facial Recognition in the Modern State” took part
- Institute of sociology of the Lithuanian centre for social sciences is organizing a seminar/workshop „Housing as a social right: situation in the EU and Lithuania“
- Inga Gaižauskaitė doctoral dissertation ‚Advancing Trust Research: Linking Conceptual Definitions, Standard Measures and the Perceptions of Social Actors‘ defence
- Simona Ščerbinskaite doctoral dissertation ‘Rural Community Organizations in Lithuania: Participation, Leadership and Local Vitality (the Case of Remote Rural Settlements)‘defence
- Karolis Dambrauskas doctoral dissertation ‘Mapping Ethnicity-Property Nexus: Framing and Negotiating Ethnicity in the Process of Land Restitution in South-Eastern Lithuania‘ defence
- The International Sociological Association (ISA) Research Committee 19 annual conference
- Lithuanian centre for social sciences doctoral (phd) studies in the fields of sociology and economics
- List of applicants invited to doctoral studies 2022
- Institute of Sociology at the Lithuanian Centre for social sciences together with foreign partners organizes the 13th Annual International Religious Tourism and Pilgrimage (IRTP) Conference
- Senior researchers of Institute of Sociology LCSS Monika Frėjutė-Rakauskienė and Kristina Šliavaitė with co-author Olga Sasunkevich awarded The Huttenbach Prize 2022
- Conference of Directors of Lithuanian State Research Institutes expresses support for Ukraine
- We stand with the people and the State of Ukraine!
- E-Training on EU Family Property Regimes
- S. Zaksaitė: creative solutions reduce the need of nails and ropes
- Book news